Tag Archives: Robert Downey Jr

Wrapping up Comic-Con

25 Jul

As Comic-Con is drawing to a close today, it seems safe to say there weren’t any big surprises this year. Nonetheless, there was enough to excite film fans. One of the highlights probably was the full cast of The Avengers appearing on stage.

This is exciting for two reasons. First of all, there’s the combination of big names such as Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and director Joss Whedon. But perhaps even more remarkable is the fact that we can finally see the continuity of the Marvel universe taking shape, even where the actors are concerned (with the exception of Edward Norton, who was replaced by Mark Ruffalo to play The Hulk). Two members of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will get their separate releases prior to The Avengers hitting theatres in Spring of 2012: Captain America and Thor were both featured in the Marvel panel before the Avengers spotlight moment. Captain America: The First Avenger has just started shooting so all they showed was some teaser material (/Film has a detailed description). Thor is in post-production (set for a release in Spring of next year) and the scenes that were shown were a Comic-Con highlight according to Deadline’s Luke Y Thompson.

In other Comic-Con news: there was the Expendables panel (disappointing, because the rumored appearance by the Governator did not happen), some more TRON: Legacy and people trying to make sense of footage from the only original production featured here: Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch.